Saint-Petersburg, RU May 29, 2012
Interactive Weather Map HD allows you to easily pan and zoom so you can get unmatched detail of weather in your neighborhood or half a world away. Weather Map HD will help make travel and activity planning more convenient. Apart from the current temperature, you will now be provided with weather prediction for the next ten days. The app also tells you if it is day or night in that place via sun and moon icons.
Weather enthusiasts, travelers, and virtually anyone will find Weather Map HD a useful tool for quickly checking weather conditions anywhere in the world. It offers the following key features:
* Weather Map HD provides current weather conditions and a weather forecast up to 10 days ahead for cities all over the world.
* The visual design, interface and user experience is top-notch, coupled with a very smart multi-vendor engine that provides accurate weather reports.
* Zoom in and find all the local weather stations surrounding your chosen location. Travel the world and find live weather conditions displayed for exotic locations. Switch between your favorite locations. These things help to make travel easy!
Features include:
* Interactive world weather map
* Current weather conditions and temperatures on top of the interactive maps
* Weather data by WSI Corp. and
* Long-term 10-day weather forecast
* More than 64 000 world cities
* You can also change the units of temperature (F/C)
* "follow-me" for the weather nearby your location
* Unlimited number of favorite locations
* Full support for both iPhone and iPad
* Retina Display support (HD graphics)
* Localized in 33 languages
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad and iPod touch
* Requires iOS 3.2 or later
* 9 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Weather Map HD 1.0 is $0.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Weather category.
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