Thursday, 16 February 2012

Irresistible New Action-Puzzler released on iOS - Fuzzy Cubes

Gainesville, FL    Feb 15, 2012 
[] Gainesville, Florida - Independent software developer, Workhorse Bytes, has released their first app, Fuzzy Cubes 1.0. The game is best described as Tetris meets Rubix cube (with fuzzy creatures and grenades).

Set in an exciting and comical world, Fuzzy Cubes explodes with a new and innovative approach to the puzzle genre. Its core gameplay centers around the basic tasks of shape and color matching. Players begin with a single side of the cube, then strive to achieve a perfect clear (clearing all blocks on a face). In addition to clearing blocks, you must also defuse deadly bomb attacks. The 40 captivating levels are spread over 6 story-driven episodes, each with it's own unique challenges and jammin' theme music!

Fuzzy Cubes is the brainchild of real-life Kung Fu Master Des "the Whirlwind" Jackson and one of his Top Disciples, Simon "the Dragon" Chen! One day, while nursing a well earned concussion, Disciple Simon asked his teacher how others could share in the joy of his blissful predicament without risking a coma. Master Des stroked his beard and replied, "Hah-hah-hah-hah...Fuzzy Cubes." And the game was born. For the next year, the two toiled respectively in their own apartments, putting down their swords, in exchange for pencils and laptops. They toiled over 40,000 lines of code, countless renditions of concept art, music, and gameplay mechanics. The results were an addictive game that's the puzzle equivalent to the Five Finger Death Punch! Are you fuzzy?

Device Requirements:
* iPhone 3GS, iPod touch 3, iPhone 4, iPod touch 4, iPhone 4S
* Requires iOS 3.0 or later
* 150 MB

Pricing and Availability:
Fuzzy Cubes 1.0 is only $1.99 (US) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in Games/Puzzle category. If you're interested in having the fuzzy experience and would like to review the game, Promo codes are available. Simply email us and title the correspondence "Fuzzy Promo" (not to be confused with "Perry Como"). Please specify the website, blog, or media outlet you represent when making your request. Free Trial version (Fuzzy Cubes Lite), HD version for iPad, and Android version. Feel free to visit our website, and/or email us with additional questions.
Located in the Sunshine State of Gainesville, Florida, Workhorse Bytes is an independent software developer, devoted to creating fun and innovative games for mobile devices. The founders/developers/Big Cahunas are Desmond Jackson and Simon Chen. Copyright (C) 2012 Workhorse Bytes. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Desmond Jackson
United States
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