Monday, 14 November 2011

NxtApp Partners with A4CWSN in Donating iPad to Child with Special Needs

[] McLean, Virginia – Nov 12, 2011- The popular math app developers called NxtApp and NxtApp 4 kids announce that they will donate an iPad to child with special needs on Thanksgiving weekends through Apps For Children With Special Needs. (A4CWSN). At the last app party held by A4CWSN, put together to provide 50 iPad for 50 Children With Special Needs in 50 States, NxtApp revealed the dedicated community behind A4CWSN.

NxtApp 4 Kis is a standard math app is launched for iPhone, iPod and iPad touch, which has been selected by ThinkTanK12 and awarded as” one of only nine latest and greatest iPad apps”. ThinkTanK12, America’s largest provider of online education for grades K-12, has finally achieved a search for great iPad-optimized app that are both informative as well fun before making its selection.

A4CWSN organization is changing the life of children with special needs are able to learn. The app founder Gary James says “the knowledge already been there inside of these children but sometimes it will be bit difficult get it out, and the iPad seems to be the way which makes that happen a little bit easier. So that children’s do develop a lot quicker”
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad
* Requires iOS 4.2 or later
* 10.5 MB

Pricing and Availability:
NxtApp 4 Kids 1.1.1 is only $1.99 (USD) (or equivalent amount in other currencies) worldwide, exclusively through the App Store in the Game and Education categories.

NxtApp 4 Kids 1.1.1
Purchase and Download
YouTube Video
Donation Event
App Icon

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