Friday, 18 November 2011

MT Design Solutions Launches Touch R - Resistance Calculator for iPad

[] Raleigh, North Carolina – Nov 17, 2011- MT Design Solutions, LLC today is glad to  announce the Touch R 2.0- Resistance Calculator  for iPad, the most amazing app for iPhone, iPad and iPod devices to calculate resistance of electronics resistors on the Apple iPad. The new update has enhanced functionality with added many new features as well as enhanced Retina Display is well supported for new Apple iPhone 4S and enhanced graphics for the Apple iPad 2.

Resistance Calculator make things straight forward, however with available 4 total bands on a tiny resistor, remembering what is the resistance value for each resistor can be awkward if you have not go them memorized so far. App is designed specially to be very quick and in loading and uses. Just tap bam the value. Need not to scroll through menu or looking for names or colors. Also you need not to submit a changes, it does for you automatically. It is the perfect companion to electronics guru or novice.

Features of Touch R - Resistance Calculation for iPad Include:
* Easy Resistance Selection Feature No-Scroll and No-Submit
* Unlimited calculations
* No waiting between calculations
* App is only $0.99, less than a cup of coffee!
* iPad and iPad 2 Support
* Enhanced Retina Display

Touch R - Resistance Calculator for iPad has a brand new feedback system that will take advantage of the amazing Apple iPad user base to receive enhancement requests for future releases of this app. This app was designed for electronics engineering technology, computer engineering technology, computer science, computer engineering, electronics engineer, mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering, electromechanical engineering, and electrical engineering students who need a quick and simple reference about resistance calculations in the most intuitive interface.

Device Requirements:
* iPad
* Requires iOS 4.3 or later
* 0.5 MB

Pricing and Availability:
Touch R 2.0 is only $0.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Utilities category.

MT Design Solutions
Touch R 2.0
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
App Icon

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