Monday, 28 November 2011

Karelia Software to Offer Sandvox at Cyber Monday Special

[] Alameda, California –Karelia Software today is pleased to announce Cyber Monday special pricing of US $49.99 for Sandvox, website creation software for the rest of us, on the Mac App Store and directly from Karelia Software.

New Licenses are available now at Upgrade Pricing from Karelia Software or the Mac App Store on Cyber Monday.

The Sandvox is accessible on your Mac App Store only at $49.99 (usually it costs at $79.99) this offer is been valid only on Cyber Monday, Nov 28, 2011. Also Sandvox is directly available from Karelia Software, at same offered price of $49.99 (usually it costs at $79.99) only on Cyber Monday i. e on Monday, Nov 28, 2011, by using the coupon code CYBERMONDAY.

Sandvox is the only website builder on the Mac that leases anyone drags and drop content, increase modern features in a few clicks, and see exactly what it looks like right on the screen, even before hitting publish. Sites created using Sandvox automatically comply with the latest HTML5 web standard, and can be seen on modern mobile devices. Once finished, users can upload their site to their favorite host directly from within Sandvox.

Sandvox 2 requires Mac OS X version 10.5 (Leopard) or higher and is currently available in English, French, German and Brazilian Portuguese, with localization for additional languages expected during the coming months.

Karelia Software
Sandvox 2

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