Friday, 28 October 2011

iEyeCamera for iPhone/iPod touch/iPad 2 is on App Store.

[] Sendai, Japan- 28 October 2011- PSOFT MOBILE, provider of the hit iOS app Zen Brush, is glad to announce the release of iEyeCamera 1.0.1 for iPhone, iPad 2 and for iPod touch. iEyeCamera is a camera app, which uses the new face detection technology found in iOS 5 to apply real-time effects to the eyes and face of the video subjects.

This camera app automatically detects faces in live video shot from your device camera and applies real-time special effects to eyes and faces. iEyeCamera includes an extensive variety of effects: like virtual glasses, big eyes, small eyes, blazing eyes! This will represent small sample of all the effects available on these app, as well it can detect multiple faces.

Moreover users can save snapshots taken from the real-time video effects. These snaps can then be easily posted by the Twitter integration newly introduced in iOS 5.

App Features:
* Beautiful graphics created by combining 3D effects and real-time face detection.
* High speed effect processing based on the computer graphics technology perfected with Zen Brush and AR Missile.
* 22 unique effects (and more to come).
* Can switch to the front camera.
* Snapshot function.
* Twitter post integration.
* Can be configured to save the original image along with the image containing the effects when saving snapshots.

* iPad 2, iPhone 4 or later, iPod touch (4th generation and newer).
* Requires iOS 5.0 or later
* 5.9 MB

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